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匹配条件: “ Sandoval Nonato;” ,找到相关结果约2210条。
A escrita nas formas do trabalho docente
Gomes-Santos, Sandoval Nonato;
Educa??o e Pesquisa , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-97022010000200002
Abstract: the production of writing at school is a highly respected object of study for several of the domains in the field of language and education. pursued under different theoretical perspectives and disciplinary traditions, most of the academic reflection on the subject writing, in brazil, has been concerned with the learning processes of writing by pupils of various age groups, levels of literacy, and schooling within specific sociocultural and institutional contexts. along a different, but complementary, direction, the present study focuses on the ways in which writing is constituted in the teaching practice, and through which is becomes a taught object (dolz; ronveaux; schneuwly, 2007). to such end, the article is based on a corpus comprised of audio and video recordings of episodes of the teaching of writing produced in different institutional and sociocultural contexts. the way in which the relation is established between the objects of teaching, the professional gestures, and the didactic devices is analyzed (aeby daghé; dolz, 2007; gomes-santos; almeida, 2009; schneuwly, 2000; 2001). from a theoretical and methodological viewpoint, the questions of the study are illuminated by the contribution of researches on the description of the modes of organization and functioning of language in school interactions, and by studies that center on the specifically didactic dimension of those interactions. the investigation of writing in the practices of teaching has enriched the reflection about the didactic devices needed at the heart of the teaching/learning practices in order to develop active ways to facilitate the access to symbolic goods.
Modos de apropria??o do gênero debate regrado na escola: uma abordagem aplicada
Gomes-Santos, Sandoval Nonato;
DELTA: Documenta??o de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-44502009000100002
Abstract: the genre debate has its own particular rules. this study describes and analyses the production process of the genre debate in the mother language teaching and learning context, in high school juniors groups of a public school in belém (pa). the aim of the study is to understand how this genre, as a teaching object, assumes the role of discipline content, that is, its status in the portuguese language class. students' productions, specifically the roles they assume to perform in this genre, are focused on. this focus implies considering not only the ways in which students learn the genre, but also their perceptions about the tasks they are involved in achieving.
Pergunta-resposta: como o par dialógico constrói uma aula na alfabetiza??o
Gomes-Santos, Sandoval Nonato;Almeida, Patrícia Sousa;
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1984-63982009000100007
Abstract: this paper have as main goal to analyze the dialogic unity question-answer, which is fundamental for speech organization, in the interactions kept into a literacy class, occurred in a singular school environment the dialogic pair is examined in relation to professional teacher gestures, in order to observe the teacher's movement and his/her teaching style in the construction of this specific class. in the end, the focus on the questions is justified regardless the answers.
Pergunta-resposta: como o par dialógico constrói uma aula na alfabetiza o Question-answer: how the dialogic pair makes a literacy class
Sandoval Nonato Gomes-Santos,Patrícia Sousa Almeida
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada , 2009,
Abstract: Este artigo tem como pretens o analisar a unidade dialógica Pergunta-Resposta, fundamental para a organiza o conversacional, nas intera es mantidas em uma aula de alfabetiza o ocorrida em um contexto escolar singular. O par dialógico é examinado em rela o aos gestos profissionais docentes, de modo a observar o movimento da professora e seu estilo de docência na constru o da aula em quest o. Ao final, justifica-se o foco nas perguntas em detrimento das respostas. This paper have as main goal to analyze the dialogic unity Question-Answer, which is fundamental for speech organization, in the interactions kept into a literacy class, occurred in a singular school environment the dialogic pair is examined in relation to professional teacher gestures, in order to observe the teacher's movement and his/her teaching style in the construction of this specific class. In the end, the focus on the questions is justified regardless the answers.
Eunice sebastiani sp. nov. (Annelida, Polychaeta)
Nonato, E.;
Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico , 1965, DOI: 10.1590/S0373-55241965000100008
Abstract: eunice sebastiani, a new species here described, belongs to the group of species called "fuscus-bidentate" by hartman, and which includes e. aphroditois pallas. like some of the others which belong to the same genus, it grows to a great size. it lives in almost vertical galleries, in muddy beaches, generally in the intertidal zone. it resembles e. aphroditois pallas (as in a figure by izuka 1912) and e. roussaei quat. in its size and external characteristics. e. sebastiani can be distinguished from the species mentioned chiefly by the different form of the mouth parts and dorsal cirri of the anterior and median feet. the mouth parts (fig. 2) are light grey in colour; the maxilla i ("forceps") has thin and almost cylindrical branches; maxilla ii is narrow and has very long teeth. length of one specimen with 450 segments: 208 cm; width in the anterior region 2 cm; length of gills: 1.6 cm. colour varying from flesh-colour to dark brown, iridescent.
Sternapis capillata SP. N. (Annelida, Polychaeta)
Nonato, E.;
Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico , 1966, DOI: 10.1590/S0373-55241966000100011
Abstract: the species here described is the first representative of the family sternaspidae found in brazilian waters. diagnosis - sternaspis capillata sp. n. is a small species, not longer than 20 mm when fully distended. oral segment well formed with a conspicuous prostomium. setae of the anterior region strong, bent and spatulate, of metallic colour, golden. eight median segments with little bundles of capillary setae. ventral shield formed by two different plates, with no external visible sculpturing and covered by fine mud. twenty bundles of setae emerge on each side under the shield, those of the eleventh pair four times longer than the nearest ones. the branchial region is densely covered by very thin and long papillae, up to the margin of the ventral shield. the branchiae are 15 to 20 in number on each side and are not grouped in plates. the family is considered by many authors as having only one cosmopolitan species s. scutata (ranzani) 1817. the incomplete descriptions of the greater part of the 14 species mentioned in hartman's "catalogue" renders it difficult to appreciate their validity. s. capillata sp. n. diverges from the species mentioned in hartman's "catalogue" by the number of setae of the anterior segments, by the exceptional development of setae of the 11th posterior pair and by the presence of numerous, long, filiform papillae covering the branchial region. i consider the species near to s. laevis caullery 1944, described from malasia and known only from its original description.
Anelídeos poliquetas da campanha científica do pesqueiro "Pescal II"
Nonato, E.;
Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico , 1966, DOI: 10.1590/S0373-55241966000100009
Abstract: seven species of polychaetes are studied from benthonic samples collected by the museu riograndense de ciências naturais off the barra do rio grande (southern brazil). neanthes succinea, marphysa sanguinea and lumbrineris latreilli are considered cosmopolitan. ophioglycera eximia was known only from the antarctic region. the area of distribution of eunice rubra, known to go from the gulf of mexico and west indies to the coast of pernambuco, is now enlarged to south brazil. aglaurides fulgida has been identified with doubt because only a median fragment was obtained. the size of the fragment indicates an exceptionally large size for the whole worm. a new species is described pherusa capitata sp. n.
O labirinto finissecular e as idéias do esteta
Nonato Gurgel
Alea : Estudos Neolatinos , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/s1517-106x2005000100013
Uma compara??o gramatical, fonológica e lexical entre as famílias Guaikurú, Mataco e Bororo: um caso de difus?o areal?
Nonato, Rafael;Sandalo, Filomena;
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1981-81222007000200005
Abstract: this paper aims at a comparison of the waikurúan, bororoan and matacoan language families on the basis of (i) the comparison of the relational morpheme in waikurúan and bororo; (ii) the comparison of the use of glottal air flow mechanisms when implementing voiceless plosives in kadiwéu (waikurúan) and bororo (bororoan); and (iii) the comparison of 350 items in waikurúan and matacoan and 138 items in waikurúan and bororoan. the evidence suggests that these families have been in intense contact, but a genetic relationship between them seems to be at least uncertain.
Humaniza o do parto nos contextos público e privado no Distrito Federal
Ticiana Ramos Nonato
Sociedade e Estado , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/s0102-69922007000300016

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